Youn Sports Club.
1. The name of the club is Youn Football Club.
2. The office of the Youn Football Club shall be situated in the city of Mumbai.
3. The objectives for which the club is established are as follows:a) To contribute to the development of Football in Mumbai.
b) To encourage the dedicated band of young Football players to achieve their true potential in this sports.
c) To inculcate the qualities of leadership and teamwork as also to improve the health and physical conditions of the players associated with the club.
4. Constitution of the club.The Youn Football Club (Hereinafter called club) is declared for the purpose of Registration to consist of 15 members the Committee shall from time to time register an increase of members as and when required.
5. Management.Chairman
4 Vice President
Hon. Secretary
Hon. Treasurer
4 Asst. Secretaries6. The terms of the members will be for two year. They will be however being eligible for re-election.
7. The members are liable for removal by the committee if their activities are detrimental to the welfare of the club.
8. The meeting of the committee members will be held at least once in a year. In case of urgent matters, the management may call for an extra ordinary general meeting.
9. The birth of Youn Football Club was on 1998. Lifetime founder of Y.F.C was Krishna Kumar Yadav.
10. At any general meeting a quorum of 8 members shall be maintained in order to transact any business of the club.
11. The president will normally chair the meeting of the general body, in case of the non-availability the vice president will conduct the meeting in his absence any member of the club chosen by other member will chair the proceedings.
12. The committee shall lie at the ordinary general meeting a balance sheet of income and expenditure for the financial year.